Zen Garden Finds For Future Sustainability

zen garden
A zen garden with a pagoda

If you’re feeling a bit wanderlust, you can re-energize with a reset by visiting a local zen garden. Maybe they’re low on your bucket list, but they’re an easy checklist item for this week.

And if you take a look at flora and fauna in your area, you realize that it takes more than a green thumb gardener to grow plants. There’s a level of expertise needed to have a community of diverse plants that get along and grow together. And well… patience and a ‘lil TLC. 🌱

We know that we breathe better when the oxygen in the room is fresh. One source is plants that take in our CO2. And from a global view, a reduced carbon footprint and emissions help our global warming effects that impact every part of the globe today. The hottest temperatures on record have been recorded in July 2023.

So preserving trees is one way to shade the unwanted weather effects for the livelihood of both the human and the animal kingdoms.

The Botanical Gardens Conservation International reports that 30% of the world’s trees today are at risk for extinction. The BGCI is an organization on a mission to make a positive impact in all-things plants. They have a green initiative that includes an accreditation program for plant diversity, conservation, and sustainability.

And in the garden domain, The Univerity of North Carolina makes noteworthy news besides sports and free tuition announcements. Their sister school in Charlotte has a shaded zen garden all are welcome to appreciate and to help keep summer cool.

NC State Zen Garden
Adding a waterfall and pond feature is not only visually zen appealing, it also adds to a soothing zen listening experience. This Asian zen garden is found at the University of North Carolina campus in Charlotte.

If you like rose gardens then these pink ones around the world are bucket list worthy.

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