The Best of Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, and Hillside Towns

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I got the best of Spain working in event management in a “foodie” Spanish restaurant chain in DC, and that inspired my vacation to Spain. 

Also, the idea that Spain had such a big historical influence on Europe and the rest of the world, like northern Africa. 

 My suggestion is if you’re going to Spain, do it right and visit the big cities (Madrid and Barcelona) and the hillside towns (Granada, Sevilla, and Cordoba) so you can get a full flavor of the architecture and styles that influenced the world. 

Seeing Christopher Columbus’ tomb is a memorable event.  I’d seen photos of the Alhambra in Granada as a child (since my architect dad owns hundreds of travel books).

In Barcelona, the freshest fish can be caught right off the Mediterranean Sea.  Port Vell is the area where most of the restaurants are that you shouldn’t miss.  Skip the tourist traps and go for the real deal seafood if you like fresh Mediterranean salmon. 

You’ll taste what fresh really means!  Tapas and paella for the most part is like fast food in Spain (that’s popular and delicious in the US).

In Madrid I found memorable the solomillo (tenderloin) with patatas bravas (fried potatoes).  In Cordoba, I had salmorejo (gazpacho specialty) that was very unique.  Jambon (ham) is famous there, especially the bellota (acorn) ham.

This menu I worked with in the States, is a food and language lesson all in one.

There is so much to see in Spain, that I wouldn’t go for the most expensive hotel.  I’d go for a great value hotel that’s city center in Agumar Madrid and Abba Sants Barcelona

These are the ones I stayed at that were nice and I was happy at. 

best of Spain in a warm hotel room
Abba Sants Hotel, Barcelona

At Agumar, even a pleasant hotel chatbot named Velma pops up on the site. While that may be good or bad in some cases, for hotels that are often decades behind in tech, this is a futuristic move up.

If you’re checking out all of Spain, you may not remember the hotels, but you will remember the best of what Spain has to offer, and finding a nice stay will help you enjoy your vacation.

These are some that I would come back to:

Agumar Hotel Madrid

Abba Sants Hotel, Barcelona

Melia Lebreros Hotel (heart of Sevilla or Seville 😊)

cool vibes to enjoy the best of Spain
Melia Lebreros Hotel, Sevilla

If you are charmed by the hillside towns of Spain like Granada, you’ll probably love rooftop views and architecture finds in Bologna, Italy.

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