Health and Wellness Travel

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Health and wellness travel is one of the newest travel trends.  The effects can last a life time.  I got my first real experience actually 3,000 miles within the States, where I’m from.  

I was living a stressful work life (as many of us Americans do), and needed some rest and peace.  I’d never tried yoga before.  What better place to try than at the Deepak Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California (in San Diego).  I stayed at this great Omni La Costa Resort where the Chopra Center is located, that’s just perfect for R&R.  You go back to your room and it has a spa-like waterfall shower.

​O​mni La Costa Resort & SPA (Deepak Chopra Center for Health & Wellness)​​​

For health and wellness travel, I took this Perfect Health program at the Chopra Center that’s based on Deepak’s book called “Perfect Health.”  I researched and chose the health program because it included the entire mind-body-spirit connection. 

The best thing about it was that there were classes to teach about areas of specific doshas (you learn this in the book) and what types of foods, music, and exercises are great when you have an imbalance. 

Now I know which scented candles to buy when I’m feeling worried or irritated! I attempted meditation for the first time and practiced yoga for the first time.  They should be done separately. We also got these life balance marma massages (ayurvedic term), that are different than Swedish massages.

Over a decade later, I am still “over the moon” with that weeklong trip.  I use all that I learned and I share a lot with my friends.  

They laugh when I break out the three types of spices that I bought in the store (Kapha, Pitta, Vata), and blind them to tell me which one they like the most, based on smell.  Then I “magically” tell them what their imbalance is.  Because the body tells you what you need.  It craves what it doesn’t have and wants.  It’s a fun thing to do and helpful when you are feeling a certain way or moody and don’t know why.

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