Ferragosto Italy Holiday Foods

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Potato gnocchi is Italy’s version of Spain’s patatas bravas tapas.

Ferragosto Italy holiday foods is an opportunity experience.

First off, what happens during Ferragosto? August 15 is the feast of Assumption recognized as a public holiday for Catholics (Italy is predominant in). Italians celebrate the public holiday by closing the doors of their business. And that marks the beginning of the Ferragosto summer holiday (vacation) for the rest of August and sometimes beyond.

You see paper signs on windows like the shop owners wrote the note just before they left. Even though we know they’ve been planning their holiday vacation for months. 😉

And then they head to the local Italian beaches along the Ligurian Sea like Cinque Terre (Five Lands) and Livorno. And some go north to Northern Europe, maybe to Norway and I recommend this spa hotel and Denmark. You can learn about one of the most unusual amusement parks in Copenhagen that Disney caught inspiration from.

They definitely stay away from the super hoppin’ busy places like Rome and Amalfi Coast that could be similar to or where they just left.

And maybe that’s where you head to enjoy. And if so, you can be bummed that the town you’re visiting looks shut down… or you prefer the slower pace… You can still enjoy what’s open and that serves cool pesto that’s made of cooling basil. And you can say Yes! to refreshing lemon dishes. And delight in bright seafood galore. 🍤

ferragosto italy holiday travel foods in cinque terre

And Ferragosto Italy holiday travel could be the opportunity for you!

I mean, it’s perfectly timed during the hottest time of the year and at the tail end of summer… AND before the start of any school year. That’s a golden recipe for expanding your year’s enjoyment…

And think of all the food travel adventures you can have before year’s end. 💭

You’ll be fine if you keep cool and pack an aluminum water bottle in your travel bag as sometimes they’re difficult to find in the city or at the destination. And if you’re heading to Rome (where it’s hot, you can fill up your bottle and drink clean water from public fountains and aqueducts that date back to Ancient Times. That’s an experience in itself! ⛲️).

Then when you have your water-filled, remember to order cold dishes like gazpacho and save your warm soup for another day. ❤️

Order fruit salads… see this rustic cantaloupe bowl 🍈 paired with Italian prosciutto that gives a cool taste explosion in the mouth.

ferragosto italy holiday travel foods

And here’s an opportunity to get in those unusually good black squid ink pasta dishes that are straight from the Ligurian Sea.

ferragosto italy holiday travel foods in liguria

And cannellini dishes with bread make for enriching Ferragosto Italy holiday foods in northern Italy. This dish has hints of summer herb gardens and shrimp from the sea. Even the bread keeps cool with air pockets and holes. 😃

ferragosto italy holiday travel foods

And even during the slower Ferragosto months, there are festivals and events happening in the surrounding Tuscan hills for your Ferragosto adventure… so, what are you waiting for? 😉

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