London Sky in Fall

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The London sky in fall is good for travel. We landed in London.  I remember Harrod’s, the famous department store.  I also remember seeing the changing of the guards.  Thirty plus years later, London is so much bigger now.  I think it’s getting close to 10 million people there.  I’ve never seen so many people in my life in one day. 

To get from Heathrow Airport to your staying destination, I recommend a London cab. The cab drivers are “licensed”, take a lot of pride in ownership with their vehicle they purchase, and know all the major sites in London. They have to pass the test.

Why visit London in the fall?

The weather is formidable.  It’s cooler than most south European cities.  It’s also a great place for ragweed pollen sufferers around the world who can get some relief.

New Modern London Hotel

park plaza waterloo london hotel

The Park Plaza Waterloo in London is a convenient hotel next to the London Underground subway system (the Tube).  The hotel also has an Illy coffee café on property (and has tea bags in the room 🫖).  It also is super modern looking in the room.  When I stayed there, there were a lot of light features in the room to create mood of choice in your room.  The hotel has a real modern vibe. 

london sky in fall in mood rooms like this
Mood light control in the room

Every time I hear Waterloo, it makes me think of the snazzy

Abba song “Waterloo.” 

My, my
At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender
Oh yeah
And I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself

Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo, promise to love you forevermore
Waterloo, couldn’t escape if I wanted to
Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you
Wa-Wa-Wa-Wa-Waterloo, finally facing my Waterloo

The area is very close to the famous London Eye (large ferris wheel), that was referred to in the James Bond (Daniel Craig as 007) movie “Skyfall”… the London sky in fall.

And just a hop, skip and a jump from Covent Garden, a beautiful restaurant and shop area where they have free live performances in the square.  Also a great place to go during Christmas season, even though it can be a “mad house” with all the visitors when it’ll feel like one of the most crowded places on this earth.

Covent Garden

Picadilly Circus (like NY’s Times Square) is London’s most famous square and another popular area in London’s West End and Westminster area along the River Thames. You can check out all the hotels in London City Centre where so much is happening!

And the Great British Baking Show is back in fall to enjoy all of London!

Bologna Best Rooftop Views

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Bologna best rooftop views
Bologna’s best rooftop views with the leaning tower city center

Bologna is a university town and has the best rooftop views. I recommend taking a terracotta rooftop view and slowly enjoying a memorable cup of cappuccino and Italian cookies (biscotti). ☕️

Bologna canals

Don’t miss the beautiful architecture in the heart of the city where a little walking brings a lot of beautiful sightseeing surprises. You also see the one-of-a-kind canals where you think you’re somewhere as magical as Venice (minus the Carnevale masks). 🎭

In the heart of the city in Bologna, are the Twin Towers (the other leaning towers in Italy on a lean). You can sit on the steps in the square nearby, and take in the view. And when you’re ready to keep going, you want to take a look at the architectural features that the city has to offer.

One feature is the best rooftop views (more on this below) and the famous arches that you can find at different street angles. If you’re a photographer, this is a paradise.

The modern charm everywhere matches the city. You can get great shots against doors and corners. And you don’t want to miss why this city is a UNESCO world heritage site… Bologna is dotted with ornate porticoes that you have to see in person like in this colonnade.

roof views and best rooftop views

After you’ve had your fill and maybe a nice meal or two, a 10-minute walk away is Hotel Metropolitan that could be your choice of stay. Take the elevator to the rooftop. That’s where there’s a quiet and good size shaded terrace you can enjoy. Most likely you and your companions will be the only ones soaking in the city center view.

There are nice hotels by the train station in case that’s your mode of transportation, but it’s a hike to the city center, so I recommend staying close to city center. And especially if you’re only in Bologna for a day or two to soak in the town (that is probably enough).

And you can pack in your Italian foodie experiences 🍝. Bologna is in Emilia-Romagna (one of the 20 Italy regions and is north of Florence). Classic to the region, you want to try the tortellini that’s on every menu, or you can choose local farro like I did for one meal. The tortellini in Bologna is as common as fountains in Rome, and is also Pope recognized 😉